Markovian Modelling and Calibration of IBMQ Transmon Qubits

  1. Dean Brand,
  2. Ilya Sinayskiy,
  3. and Francesco Petruccione
In the design of quantum devices, it is crucial to account for the interaction between qubits and their environment to understand and improve the coherence and stability of the quantum states. This is especially prevalent in Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices in which the qubit states quickly decay through processes of relaxation and decoherence. Ideal quantum states evolve according to Markovian dynamics, which modern devices are not always capable of maintaining. NISQ devices, such as those offered by IBM through their cloud-based open-access IBM Quantum Experience (IBM QE) are regularly calibrated to provide the users with data about the qubit dynamics which can be accounted for in the design of experiments on the quantum devices. In this paper we demonstrate a method of verifying the Markovianity of the IBMQ devices while extracting multiple calibration parameters simultaneously through a simplified process which can be modified for more complex modelling of qubit dynamics.

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