Magnifying quantum phase fluctuations with Cooper-pair pairing

  1. W. C. Smith,
  2. M. Villiers,
  3. A. Marquet,
  4. J. Palomo,
  5. M. R. Delbecq,
  6. T. Kontos,
  7. P. Campagne-Ibarcq,
  8. B. Douçot,
  9. and Z. Leghtas
Remarkably, complex assemblies of superconducting wires, electrodes, and Josephson junctions are compactly described by a handful of collective phase degrees of freedom that behave like quantum particles in a potential. The inductive wires contribute a parabolic confinement, while the tunnel junctions add a cosinusoidal corrugation. Usually, the ground state wavefunction is localized within a single potential well — that is, quantum phase fluctuations are small — although entering the regime of delocalization holds promise for metrology and qubit protection. A direct route is to loosen the inductive confinement and let the ground state phase spread over multiple Josephson periods, but this requires a circuit impedance vastly exceeding the resistance quantum and constitutes an ongoing experimental challenge. Here we take a complementary approach and fabricate a generalized Josephson element that can be tuned in situ between one- and two-Cooper-pair tunneling, doubling the frequency of the corrugation and thereby magnifying the number of wells probed by the ground state. We measure a tenfold suppression of flux sensitivity of the first transition energy, implying a twofold increase in the vacuum phase fluctuations.

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