Hybrid spin-superconducting quantum circuit mediated by deterministically prepared entangled photonic states

  1. Kayleigh Mathieson,
  2. and Somnath Bhattacharyya
In hybrid quantum systems a controllable coupling can be obtained by mediating the interactions with dynamically introduced photons. We propose a hybrid quantum architecture consisting of two nitrogen vacancy center ensembles coupled to a tunable flux qubit; that are contained on the transmission line of a multimode nonlinear superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator with an appended Josephson mixing device. We discuss using entangled propagating microwaves photons, which through our nonlinear wave-mixing procedure are made into macroscopically distinct quantum states. We use these states to steer the system and show that with further amplification we can create a similar photonic state, which has a more distinct reduction of its uncertainty. Furthermore, we show that all of this leads to a lengthened coherence time, a reasonable fidelity which decays to 0.94 and then later increases upward to stabilize at 0.6 as well as a strengthened entanglement.

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