Entanglement concentration of microwave photons based on Kerr effect in circuit QED

  1. Hao Zhang,
  2. and Haibo Wang
Microwave photons are interesting qubits for quantum information processing. Here, we present the first scheme for the entanglement concentration on microwave photons, resorting to the cross-Kerr effect in circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). Two superconducting transmission line resonators (TLRs) coupled to two transmon qubits with the N-type level structure induce the effective cross-Kerr effect for realizing the quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement on microwave photons in entanglement concentration. With this device, we present a two-qubit polarization parity QND detector on the photon states of the superconducting TLRs, which can be used to concentrate efficiently the non-maximally entangled states of microwave photons assisted by several linear microwave elements. This scheme may be useful for solid-state quantum information processing.

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