Engineering superconducting qubits to reduce quasiparticles and charge noise
In any physical realization of a qubit, identifying, quantifying, and suppressing mechanisms of decoherence are important steps towards the goal of engineering a universal quantum computer or a quantum simulator. Superconducting circuits based on Josephson junctions offer flexibility in qubit design; however, their performance is adversely affected by quasiparticles (broken Cooper pairs) whose density, as observed in various systems, is considerably higher than that expected in thermal equilibrium. A full understanding of the generation mechanism and a mitigation strategy that is compatible with scalable, high-coherence devices are therefore highly desirable. Here we experimentally demonstrate how to control quasiparticle generation by downsizing the qubit structure, capping it with a metallic cover, and equipping it with suitable quasiparticle traps. We achieve record low charge-parity switching rate (<1Hz) in our aluminium devices. At the same time, the devices display improved stability with respect to discrete charging events. Our findings support the hypothesis that the generation of quasiparticles is dominated by the breaking of Cooper pairs at the junction, as a result of photon absorption mediated by the antenna-like qubit structure. We thus demonstrate a convenient approach to shape the electromagnetic environment of superconducting circuits in the sub-terahertz regime, inhibiting decoherence from quasiparticle poisoning.