Detecting Topological Features of Microwave Photons in a Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Lattice

  1. Yan-Pu Wang,
  2. Wan-Li Yang,
  3. Zheng-Yuan Xue,
  4. Yong Hu,
  5. and Ying Wu
We propose a scheme of investigating topological photonics in superconducting quantum circuits. There are two major ingredients. The first is the synthesization of an artificial gauge field on a circuit quantum electrodynamics lattice through the developed dynamic modulation approach. The flexibility of such parametric method leads to the effective \textit{in situ} tunable magnetic field for photons on a square lattice. The second, which is the main new ingredient of this paper, considers the detection of the topological phases of the photons. Our idea employs the exotic properties of the edge state modes which result in novel steady states of the lattice under the driving-dissipation competition. Through the pumping and the photon-number measurements of merely few sites, not only the spatial and the spectral characters, but also the momentums and even the integer topological quantum numbers of the edge states can be directly probed, which reveal unambiguously the topological nature of the photons on the proposed lattice. The physical implementation of our scheme is discussed in detail, where our results pinpoint the feasibility based on current level of experimental technology.

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