Correlated emission lasing in harmonic oscillators coupled via a single three-level artificial atom

  1. Z.H. Peng,
  2. Yu-xi Liu,
  3. J.T. Peltonen,
  4. T. Yamamoto,
  5. J. S. Tsai,
  6. and O. Astafiev
A single superconducting artificial atom provides a unique basis for coupling electromagnetic fields and photons hardly achieved with a natural atom. Bringing a pair of harmonic oscillators into resonance with transitions of the three-level atom converts atomic spontaneous processes into correlated emission dynamics. We demonstrate two-mode correlated emission lasing on harmonic oscillators coupled via the fully controllable three-level artificial atom. Correlation of two different color emissions reveals itself as equally narrowed linewiths and quench of their mutual phase-diffusion. The mutual linewidth is more than four orders of magnitude narrower than the Schawlow-Townes limit. The interference between the different color lasing fields demonstrates the two-mode fields are strongly correlated.

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