Broadband Filters for Abatement of Spontaneous Emission for Superconducting Qubits

  1. Nicholas T. Bronn,
  2. Yanbing Liu,
  3. Jared B. Hertzberg,
  4. Antonio D. Córcoles,
  5. Andrew A. Houck,
  6. Jay M. Gambetta,
  7. and Jerry M. Chow
The ability to perform fast, high-fidelity readout of quantum bits (qubits) is essential for the goal of building a quantum computer. However, the parameters of a superconducting qubit device necessary to achieve this typically enhance qubit relaxation by spontaneous emission through the measurement channel. Here we design a broadband filter using impedance engineering to allow photons to leave the resonator at the cavity frequency but not at the qubit frequency. This broadband filter is implemented both in an on-chip and off-chip configuration.

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