An efficient protocol of quantum walk in circuit QED

  1. Jia-Qi Zhou,
  2. Qi-Ping Su,
  3. and Chui-Ping Yang
Implementation of discrete-time quantum walk (DTQW) with superconducting qubits is difficult since on-chip superconducting qubits cannot hop between lattice sites. We propose an efficient protocol for the implementation of DTQW in circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED), in which only N+1 qutrits and N assistant cavities are needed for an N-step DTQW. The operation of each DTQW step is very quick because only resonant processes are adopted. The numerical simulations show that high-similarity DTQW with the number of step up to 20 is feasible with present-day circuit QED technique. This protocol can help to study properties and applications of large-step DTQW in experiments, which is important for the development of quantum computation and quantum simulation in circuit QED.

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