High-fidelity CZ gate for resonator-based superconducting quantum computers

  1. Joydip Ghosh,
  2. Andrei Galiautdinov,
  3. Zhongyuan Zhou,
  4. Alexander N. Korotkov,
  5. John M. Martinis,
  6. and Michael R. Geller
. This architecture consists of superconducting"]qubits capacitively coupled both to individual memory resonators as well as a common bus. In this work we study a natural primitive entangling gate for this and related resonator-based architectures, which consists of a CZ operation between a qubit and the bus. The CZ gate is implemented with the aid of the non-computational qubit |2> state [F. W. Strauch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 167005 (2003)]. Assuming phase or transmon qubits with 300 MHz anharmonicity, we show that by using only low frequency qubit-bias control it is possible to implement the qubit-bus CZ gate with 99.9% (99.99%) fidelity in about 17ns (23ns) with a realistic two-parameter pulse profile, plus two auxiliary z rotations. The fidelity measure we refer to here is a state-averaged intrinsic process fidelity, which does not include any effects of noise or decoherence. These results apply to a multi-qubit device that includes strongly coupled memory resonators. We investigate the performance of the qubit-bus CZ gate as a function of qubit anharmonicity, indentify the dominant intrinsic error mechanism and derive an associated fidelity estimator, quantify the pulse shape sensitivity and precision requirements, simulate qubit-qubit CZ gates that are mediated by the bus resonator, and also attempt a global optimization of system parameters including resonator frequencies and couplings. Our results are relevant for a wide range of superconducting hardware designs that incorporate resonators and suggest that it should be possible to demonstrate a 99.9% CZ gate with existing transmon qubits, which would constitute an important step towards the development of an error-corrected superconducting quantum computer.

Entanglement dynamics of a superconducting phase qubit coupled to a two-level system

  1. Guozhu Sun,
  2. Zhongyuan Zhou,
  3. Bo Mao,
  4. Xueda Wen,
  5. Peiheng Wu,
  6. and Siyuan Han
We report the observation and quantitative characterization of driven and spontaneous oscillations of quantum entanglement, as measured by concurrence, in a bipartite system consisting
of a macroscopic Josephson phase qubit coupled to a microscopic two-level system. The data clearly show the behavior of entanglement dynamics such as sudden death and revival, and the effect of decoherence and ac driving on entanglement.