Cavity quantum electrodynamics with dressed states of a superconducting artificial atom

  1. Yu-Han Chang,
  2. Dmytro Dubyna,
  3. Wei-Chen Chien,
  4. Chien-Han Chen,
  5. Cen-Shawn Wu,
  6. and Watson Kuo
We experimentally studied the microwave response of a transmon artificial atom coupled to two closely spaced resonant modes. When the atom is under driven with one of the modes, the
atom state and mode photons are superposed, forming the dressed states. Dressed states with 1st, 2nd and 3rd excited states of the atom were prepared and probed via the strong coupling to the other resonant mode from the point of view of cavity quantum electrodynamics. The transmission of the probe tone is modulated by the driving microwave amplitude, displaying multi-photon process associated with the inter-atomic level transitions. Our system provides an easy method to study the dressed states by driving one mode and probing the Landau-Zener transition of the other.