Entanglement generation in capacitively coupled Transmon-cavity system

  1. Jian-Zhuang Wu,
  2. Lian-E Lu,
  3. Xin-Yu Zhao,
  4. and Yong-Hong Ma
In this paper, the higher energy levels of the transmon qubit are taken into consideration to investigate the continuous variable entanglement generation between the transmon qubit
and the single-mode cavity. Based on the framework of cavity quantum electrodynamics, we show the entanglement generation depends on the the driving field intensity, coupling strength, cavity field frequency, and qubit frequency. The numerical results show that strong entanglement can be generated by properly tuning these parameters. It is our hope that the results presented in this paper may lead to a better understanding of quantum entanglement generation in cavity QED system and provide new perspectives for further research in quantum information processing.