phase diagram, and whether the superconductor-to-insulator transition (SIT) is driven by disorder or charging effects. Beyond fundamental relevance, these mechanisms govern noise and dissipation in microwave circuits. Although the enhancement of the critical temperature, and the SIT in granular superconductors have been studied for more than fifty years, experimental studies have so far provided incomplete information on the microscopic phenomena. Here we present scanning tunneling microscope measurements of the local electronic structure of superconducting grAl. We confirm an increased superconducting gap in individual grains both near and above the Mott resistivity ρM≈400 μΩcm. Above ρM we find Coulomb charging effects, a first indication for decoupling, and in-gap states on individual grains, which could contribute to flux noise and dielectric loss in quantum devices. We also observe multiple low-energy states outside the gap, which may indicate bosonic excitations of the superconducting order parameter.
Microscopic charging and in-gap states in superconducting granular aluminum
Following the emergence of superconducting granular aluminum (grAl) as a material for high-impedance quantum circuits, future development hinges on a microscopic understanding of its