Electronic zero-point fluctuation forces inside circuit components

  1. Ephraim Shahmoon,
  2. and Ulf Leonhardt
One of the most intriguing manifestations of quantum zero-point fluctuations are the van der Waals and Casimir forces, often associated with vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic
field. Here we study generalized fluctuation potentials acting on internal degrees of freedom of components in electrical circuits. These electronic Casimir-like potentials are induced by the zero-point current fluctuations of any general conductive circuit. For realistic examples of an electromechanical capacitor and a superconducting qubit, our results reveal the possibility of tunable repulsive and attractive forces between the capacitor plates, or the level shifts of the qubit, respectively. Our analysis suggests an alternative route towards the exploration of Casimir-like fluctuation potentials, namely, by characterizing and measuring them as a function of parameters of the environment. Such tunable potentials may be useful for future nano-electromechanical technologies.