Ramsey-biased spectroscopy of superconducting qubits under dispersion

  1. Yan Zhang,
  2. Tiantian Huan,
  3. Ri-gui Zhou,
  4. and Hou Ian
We proposed a spectroscopic method that extends Ramsey’s atomic spectroscopy to detect the transition frequency of a qubit fabricated on a superconducting circuit. The method
uses a multi-interval train of qubit biases to implement an alternate resonant and dispersive couplings to an incident probe field. The consequent absorption spectrum of the qubit has a narrower linewidth at its transition frequency than that obtained from constantly biasing the qubit to resonance while the middle dispersive evolution incurs only a negligible shift in detected frequency. Modeling on transmon qubits, we find that the linewidth reduction reaches 23% and Ramsey fringes are simultaneously suppressed at extreme duration ratio of dispersion over resonance for a double-resonance scheme. If the scheme is augmented by an extra resonance segment, a further 37% reduction can be achieved.