Coherent microwave photon mediated coupling between a semiconductor and a superconductor qubit

  1. P. Scarlino,
  2. D. J. van Woerkom,
  3. U. C. Mendes,
  4. J. V. Koski,
  5. A. J. Landig,
  6. C. K. Andersen,
  7. S. Gasparinetti,
  8. C. Reichl,
  9. W. Wegscheider,
  10. K. Ensslin,
  11. T. Ihn,
  12. A. Blais,
  13. and A. Wallraff
Semiconductor qubits rely on the control of charge and spin degrees of freedom of electrons or holes confined in quantum dots (QDs). They constitute a promising approach to quantum

All-Microwave Control and Dispersive Readout of Gate-Defined Quantum Dot Qubits in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

  1. P. Scarlino,
  2. D. J. van Woerkom,
  3. A. Stockklauser,
  4. J. V. Koski,
  5. M. C. Collodo,
  6. S. Gasparinetti,
  7. C. Reichl,
  8. W. Wegscheider,
  9. T. Ihn,
  10. K. Ensslin,
  11. and A. Wallraff
Developing fast and accurate control and readout techniques is an important challenge in quantum information processing with semiconductor qubits. Here, we study the dynamics and the