Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Weakly Monitored Josephson Junction Arrays

  1. Purnendu Das,
  2. and Sumilan Banerjee
Control and manipulation of quantum states by measurements and bath engineering in open quantum systems, and associated phenomena, such as measurement-induced phase transitions, have
emerged as new paradigms in many-body physics. Here, taking a prototypical example of Josephson junction arrays (JJAs), we show how repetitive monitoring can transform an insulating state in these systems to a superconductor and vice versa. To this end, we study the effects of continuous weak measurements and feedback control on isolated JJAs in the absence of any external thermal bath. The monitoring due to combined effect of measurements and feedback, inducing non-unitary evolution and dissipation, leads to a long-time steady state characterized by an effective temperature in a suitably defined semiclassical limit. However, we show that the quantum dissipation due to monitoring has fundamental differences with equilibrium quantum and/or thermal dissipation in the well-studied case of JJAs in contact with an Ohmic bath. In particular, using a variational approximation, and by considering the semiclassical, strong measurement/feedback and weak-coupling limits, we demonstrate that this difference can give rise to re-entrant steady-state phase transitions, resulting in transition from an effective low-temperature insulating normal state to superconducting state at intermediate temperature. Our work emphasizes the role of quantum feedback, that acts as an additional knob to control the effective temperature of non-equilibrium steady state leading to a phase diagram, not explored in earlier works on monitored and open quantum systems.