Modular quantum processor with an all-to-all reconfigurable router

  1. Xuntao Wu,
  2. Haoxiong Yan,
  3. Gustav Andersson,
  4. Alexander Anferov,
  5. Ming-Han Chou,
  6. Christopher R. Conner,
  7. Joel Grebel,
  8. Yash J. Joshi,
  9. Shiheng Li,
  10. Jacob M. Miller,
  11. Rhys G. Povey,
  12. Hong Qiao,
  13. and Andrew N. Cleland
Superconducting qubits provide a promising approach to large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computing. However, qubit connectivity on a planar surface is typically restricted to only
a few neighboring qubits. Achieving longer-range and more flexible connectivity, which is particularly appealing in light of recent developments in error-correcting codes, however usually involves complex multi-layer packaging and external cabling, which is resource-intensive and can impose fidelity limitations. Here, we propose and realize a high-speed on-chip quantum processor that supports reconfigurable all-to-all coupling with a large on-off ratio. We implement the design in a four-node quantum processor, built with a modular design comprising a wiring substrate coupled to two separate qubit-bearing substrates, each including two single-qubit nodes. We use this device to demonstrate reconfigurable controlled-Z gates across all qubit pairs, with a benchmarked average fidelity of 96.00%±0.08% and best fidelity of 97.14%±0.07%, limited mainly by dephasing in the qubits. We also generate multi-qubit entanglement, distributed across the separate modules, demonstrating GHZ-3 and GHZ-4 states with fidelities of 88.15%±0.24% and 75.18%±0.11%, respectively. This approach promises efficient scaling to larger-scale quantum circuits, and offers a pathway for implementing quantum algorithms and error correction schemes that benefit from enhanced qubit connectivity.