Generating NOON states in circuit QED using multi-photon resonance in the presence of counter-rotating interactions

  1. Shi-fan Qi,
  2. and Jun Jing
The NOON states are valuable quantum resources, which have a wide range of applications in quantum communication, quantum metrology, and quantum information processing. Here we propose
a fast, concise and reliable protocol for deterministically generating the NOON states of two resonators coupled to a single △-type superconducting qutrit. In particular, we derive the effective Hamiltonians at the multi-photon resonances by virtue of the strong counter-rotating interaction between the resonator modes and the qutrit. Based on these crucial effective Hamiltonians, our protocol simplifies the previous ones using the single-photon resonance and consequently reduces the number of operations for state preparation. To test the robustness of this protocol, we analyze the effects from both the decoherence including dissipation and dephasing and the crosstalk of resonator modes on the state fidelity through a Lindblad master equation in the eigenstates of the full Hamiltonian.