Fast and simple scheme for generating NOON states of photons in circuit QED

  1. Qi-Ping Su,
  2. Chui-Ping Yang,
  3. and Shi-Biao Zheng
We propose a fast and simple scheme for generating NOON states of photons in two superconducting resonators by using a single superconducting phase qutrit. Because only one superconducting
qutrit and two resonators are used, the experimental setup for this sheme is much simplified when compared with the previous proposals requiring a setup of two superconducting qutrits and three cavities. In addition, this scheme is easier and faster to implement than the previous proposals, which require using a complex microwave pulse, or a small pulse Rabi frequency in order to avoid nonresonant transitions.

Generating entanglement between microwave photons and qubits in multiple cavities coupled by a superconducting qutrit

  1. Chui-Ping Yang,
  2. Qi-Ping Su,
  3. Shi-Biao Zheng,
  4. and Siyuan Han
We discuss how to generate entangled coherent states of four extrm{microwave} resonators extrm{(a.k.a. cavities)} coupled by a superconducting qubit. We also show extrm{that}
a GHZ state of four superconducting qubits embedded in four different resonators \textrm{can be created with this scheme}. In principle, \textrm{the proposed method} can be extended to create an entangled coherent state of $n$ resonators and to prepare a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state of $n$ qubits distributed over $n$ cavities in a quantum network. In addition, it is noted that four resonators coupled by a coupler qubit may be used as a basic circuit block to build a two-dimensional quantum network, which is useful for scalable quantum information processing.

Simultaneous quantum state exchange or transfer between two sets of cavities via a superconducting coupler qubit

  1. Chui-Ping Yang,
  2. Qi-Ping Su,
  3. Shi-Biao Zheng,
  4. and Siyuan Han
We propose an approach to simultaneously perform quantum state exchange or transfer between two sets of cavities, each containing $N$ cavities, by using only one superconducting coupler
qubit. The quantum states to be exchanged or transferred can be arbitrary pure or mixed states. The operation time does not increase with the number of cavities, and there is no need of applying classic pulses during the entire operation. Moreover, the approach can be also applied to realize quantum state exchange or transfer between two sets of qubits, such as that between two multi-qubit quantum registers. The method can be generalized to other systems by using different types of physical qubit as a coupler to accomplish the same task.