Fano-enhanced low-loss on-chip superconducting microwave circulator

  1. N. Pradeep Kumar,
  2. Dat Thanh Le,
  3. Prasanna Pakkiam,
  4. Thomas M. Stace,
  5. and Arkady Fedorov
Ferrite-free circulators that are passive and readily integratable on a chip are highly sought-after in quantum technologies based on superconducting circuits. In our previous work,
we implemented such a circulator using a three-Josephson-junction loop that exhibited unambiguous nonreciprocity and signal circulation, but required junction energies to be within 1% of design values. This tolerance is tighter than standard junction fabrication methods provide, so we propose and demonstrate a design improvement that relaxes the required junction fabrication precision, allowing for higher device performance and fabrication yield. Specifically, we introduce large direct capacitive couplings between the waveguides to create strong Fano scattering interference. We measure enhanced `circulation fidelity‘ above 97%, with optimised on-resonance insertion loss of 0.2~dB, isolation of 18~dB, and power reflectance of −15~dB, in good agreement with model calculations.

Passive microwave circulation on a superconducting chip

  1. Arkady Fedorov,
  2. N. Pradeep Kumar,
  3. Dat Thanh Le,
  4. Rohit Navarathna,
  5. Prasanna Pakkiam,
  6. and Thomas M. Stace
Building large-scale superconducting quantum circuits will require miniaturisation and integration of supporting devices including microwave circulators, which are currently bulky,
stand-alone components. Here we report the realisation of a passive on-chip circulator which is made from a loop consisting of three tunnel-coupled superconducting islands, with DC-only control fields. We observe the effect of quasiparticle tunnelling, and we dynamically classify the system into different quasiparticle sectors. When tuned for circulation, the device exhibits strongly non-reciprocal 3-port scattering, with average on-resonance insertion loss of 2 dB, isolation of 14 dB, power reflectance of -11 dB, and a bandwidth of 200 MHz.

Qubit-controlled directional edge states in waveguide QED

  1. Prasanna Pakkiam,
  2. N. Pradeep Kumar,
  3. Mikhail Pletyukhov,
  4. and Arkady Fedorov
We propose an in-situ tunable chiral quantum system, composed of a quantum emitter coupled to a waveguide based on the Rice-Mele model (where we modulate both the on-site potentials
and tunnel couplings between sites in the waveguide array). Specifically, we show that the chirality of photonic bound state, that emerges in the bandgap of the waveguide, depends only on the energy of the qubit; a parameter that is easy to tune in many artificial atoms. In contrast to previous proposals that have either shown imperfect chirality or fixed directionality, our waveguide QED scheme achieves both perfect chirality and the capability to switch the directionality on demand with just one tunable element in the device. We also show that our model is easy to implement in both state-of-the-art superconducting circuit and quantum dot architectures. The results show technological promise in creating long-range couplers between qubits while maintaining, in principle, zero crosstalk.

Double Upconversion for Superconducting Qubit Control realised using Microstrip Filters

  1. Jonathan Dearlove,
  2. Prasanna Pakkiam,
  3. and Arkady Fedorov
Superconducting qubits provide a promising platform for physically realising quantum computers at scale. Such devices require precision control at microwave frequencies. Common practice
is to synthesise such control signals using IQ modulation, requiring calibration of a in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) signals alongside two DC offsets to generate pure tones. This paper presents an economic physical implementation of an alternative method referred to as double upconversion which requires considerably less hardware calibration and physical resources to operate a qubit. A physical circuit was created using standard PCB design techniques for microstrip filters and two common RF mixers. This circuit was then utilised to successfully control a superconducting transmon qubit. When using proper RF shielding, qubit tones were demonstrated with over 70dB of spurious-free dynamic range across the entire operational spectrum of a transmon qubit.

Measurement driven quantum clock implemented with a superconducting qubit

  1. Xin He,
  2. Prasanna Pakkiam,
  3. Adil Gangat,
  4. Gerard Milburn,
  5. and Arkady Fedorov
We demonstrate a quantum clock, near zero temperature, driven in part by entropy reduction through measurement, and necessarily subject to quantum noise. The experimental setup is a
superconducting transmon qubit dispersively coupled to an open co-planar resonator. The cavity and qubit are driven by coherent fields and the cavity output is monitored with a quantum noise-limited amplifier. When the continuous measurement is weak, it induces sustained coherent oscillations (with fluctuating period) in the conditional moments. Strong continuous measurement leads to an incoherent cycle of quantum jumps. Both regimes constitute a clock with a signal extracted from the observed measurement current. This signal is analysed to demonstrate the relation between clock period noise and dissipated power for measurement driven quantum clocks. We show that a good clock requires high rates of energy dissipation and entropy generation.