The dynamical Lamb effect is predicted to arise in superconducting circuits when the coupling of a superconducting qubit with a resonator is periodically switched „on“ and„off“ nonadiabatically. We show that by using a superconducting circuit which allows to switch between longitudinal and transverse coupling of a qubit to a resonator, it is possible of to observe the dynamical Lamb effect. {The switching between longitudinal and transverse coupling can be achieved by modulating the magnetic flux through the circuit loops.} By solving the Schrödinger equation for a qubit coupled to a resonator, we calculate the time evolution of the probability of excitation of the qubit and the creation of n photons in the resonator due to the dynamical Lamb effect. The probability is maximum when the coupling is periodically switched between longitudinal and transverse using a square-wave or sinusoidal modulation of the magnetic flux with frequency equal to the sum of the average qubit and photon transition frequencies.
The quantum entanglement and the probability of the dynamical Lamb effect for two qubits caused by non-adiabatic fast change of the boundary conditions are studied. The conditionalconcurrence of the qubits for each fixed number of created photons in a nonstationary cavity is obtained as a measure of the dynamical quantum entanglement due to the dynamical Lamb effect. We discuss the physical realization of the dynamical Lamb effect, based on superconducting qubits.