Optimizing resetting of superconducting qubits

  1. Ciro M. Diniz,
  2. Rogerio J. de Assis,
  3. Norton G. de Almeida,
  4. and Celso J. Villas-Boas
Many quantum algorithms demand a large number of repetitions to obtain reliable statistical results. Thus, at each repetition it is necessary to reset the qubits efficiently and precisely
in the shortest possible time, so that quantum computers actually have advantages over classical ones. In this work, we perform a detailed analysis on three different models for information resetting in superconducting qubits. Our experimental setup consists of a main qubit coupled to different auxiliary dissipative systems, that are employed in order to perform the erasing of the information of the main qubit. Our analysis shows that it is not enough to increase the coupling and the dissipation rate associated with the auxiliary systems to decrease the resetting time of the main qubit, a fact that motivates us to find the optimal set of parameters for each studied approach, allowing a significant decrease in the reset time of the three models analyzed.