A parametrically programmable delay line for microwave photons

  1. Takuma Makihara,
  2. Nathan Lee,
  3. Yudan Guo,
  4. Wenyan Guan,
  5. and Amir H. Safavi-Naeini
Delay lines capable of storing quantum information are crucial for advancing quantum repeaters and hardware efficient quantum computers. Traditionally, they are physically realized
as extended systems that support wave propagation, such as waveguides. But such delay lines typically provide limited control over the propagating fields. Here, we introduce a parametrically addressed delay line (PADL) for microwave photons that provides a high level of control over the dynamics of stored pulses, enabling us to arbitrarily delay or even swap pulses. By parametrically driving a three-waving mixing superconducting circuit element that is weakly hybridized with an ensemble of resonators, we engineer a spectral response that simulates that of a physical delay line, while providing fast control over the delay line’s properties and granting access to its internal modes. We illustrate the main features of the PADL, operating on pulses with energies on the order of a single photon, through a series of experiments, which include choosing which photon echo to emit, translating pulses in time, and swapping two pulses. We also measure the noise added to the delay line from our parametric interactions and find that the added noise is much less than one photon.

Analysis of arbitrary superconducting quantum circuits accompanied by a Python package: SQcircuit

  1. Taha Rajabzadeh,
  2. Zhaoyou Wang,
  3. Nathan Lee,
  4. Takuma Makihara,
  5. Yudan Guo,
  6. and Amir H. Safavi-Naeini
Superconducting quantum circuits are a promising hardware platform for realizing a fault-tolerant quantum computer. Accelerating progress in this field of research demands general approaches
and computational tools to analyze and design more complex superconducting circuits. We develop a framework to systematically construct a superconducting quantum circuit’s quantized Hamiltonian from its physical description. As is often the case with quantum descriptions of multicoordinate systems, the complexity rises rapidly with the number of variables. Therefore, we introduce a set of coordinate transformations with which we can find bases to diagonalize the Hamiltonian efficiently. Furthermore, we broaden our framework’s scope to calculate the circuit’s key properties required for optimizing and discovering novel qubits. We implement the methods described in this work in an open-source Python package SQcircuit. In this manuscript, we introduce the reader to the SQcircuit environment and functionality. We show through a series of examples how to analyze a number of interesting quantum circuits and obtain features such as the spectrum, coherence times, transition matrix elements, coupling operators, and the phase coordinate representation of eigenfunctions.

Automated discovery of autonomous quantum error correction schemes

  1. Zhaoyou Wang,
  2. Taha Rajabzadeh,
  3. Nathan Lee,
  4. and Amir H. Safavi-Naeini
We can encode a qubit in the energy levels of a quantum system. Relaxation and other dissipation processes lead to decay of the fidelity of this stored information. Is it possible to
preserve the quantum information for a longer time by introducing additional drives and dissipation? The existence of autonomous quantum error correcting codes answers this question in the positive. Nonetheless, discovering these codes for a real physical system, i.e., finding the encoding and the associated driving fields and bath couplings, remains a challenge that has required intuition and inspiration to overcome. In this work, we develop and demonstrate a computational approach based on adjoint optimization for discovering autonomous quantum error correcting codes given a description of a physical system. We implement an optimizer that searches for a logical subspace and control parameters to better preserve quantum information. We demonstrate our method on a system of a harmonic oscillator coupled to a lossy qubit, and find that varying the Hamiltonian distance in Fock space — a proxy for the control hardware complexity — leads to discovery of different and new error correcting schemes. We discover what we call the 3‾√ code, realizable with a Hamiltonian distance d=2, and propose a hardware-efficient implementation based on superconducting circuits.