Universal quantum computing with superconducting charge qubits

  1. Nian-Quan Jiang,
  2. Yao Chen,
  3. Chuanbing Cai,
  4. Ming-FengWang,
  5. and Junwang Tang
Superconducting quantum circuit is a promising system for building quantum computer. With this system we demonstrate the universal quantum computations, including the preparing of initial
states, the single-qubit operations, the two-qubit universal gate operations between arbitrary qubits, the multiple pairs of two-qubit gate operations in parallel, the coupling operations on a group of qubits in parallel, the coupling operations on multiple groups of qubits in parallel, the coupling operations on multiple pairs and multiple groups of qubits in parallel. Within available technology, a universal quantum computer consists of more than 50 qubits allowing operations is achievable with the design.