Precise Time Evolution of Superconductive Phase Qubits

  1. Ali Izadi Rad,
  2. Hesam Zandi,
  3. and Mehdi Fardmanesh
New procedure on precise analysis of superconducting phase qubits using the concept of Feynman path integral in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory has been introduced. The wave

Fate of False Vacuum in Superconducting Flux Qubits

  1. Ali Izadi Rad,
  2. Hesam Zandi,
  3. and Mehdi Fardmanesh
We propose a similarity between the scenario of fate of false vacuum in cosmology at early universe and the situation in where the quantum state decays in superconducting Flux qubit.

Feynman Path Integral Approach on Superconducting Qubits and Readout Process

  1. Ali Izadi Rad,
  2. Hesam Zandi,
  3. and Mehdi Fardmanesh
In this paper we introduce a new procedure on precise analysis of various physical manifestations in superconducting Qubits using the concept of Feynman path integral in quantum mechanics