Mixing of counterpropagating signals in a traveling-wave Josephson device

  1. Matthieu Praquin,
  2. Vincent Lienhard,
  3. Anthony Giraudo,
  4. Aron Vanselow,
  5. Zaki Leghtas,
  6. and Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq
Light waves do not interact in vacuum, but may mix through various parametric processes when traveling in a nonlinear medium. In particular, a high-amplitude wave can be leveraged to
frequency convert a low-amplitude signal, as long as the overall energy and momentum of interacting photons are conserved. These conditions are typically met when all waves propagate in the medium with identical phase velocity along a particular axis. In this work, we investigate an alternative scheme by which an input microwave signal propagating along a 1-dimensional Josephson metamaterial is converted to an output wave propagating in the opposite direction. The interaction is mediated by a pump wave propagating at low phase velocity. In this novel regime, the input signal is exponentially attenuated as it travels down the device. We exploit this process to implement a robust on-chip microwave isolator that can be reconfigured into a reciprocal and tunable coupler. The device mode of operation is selected in situ, along with its working frequency over a wide microwave range. In the 5.5-8.5 GHz range, we measure an isolation over 15 dB on a typical bandwidth of 100 MHz, on par with the best existing on-chip isolators. Substantial margin for improvement exists through design optimization and by reducing fabrication disorder, opening new avenues for microwave routing and processing in superconducting circuits.

A modular quantum computer based on a quantum state router

  1. Chao Zhou,
  2. Pinlei Lu,
  3. Matthieu Praquin,
  4. Tzu-Chiao Chien,
  5. Ryan Kaufman,
  6. Xi Cao,
  7. Mingkang Xia,
  8. Roger Mong,
  9. Wolfgang Pfaff,
  10. David Pekker,
  11. and Michael Hatridge
In this work, we present the design of a superconducting, microwave quantum state router which can realize all-to-all couplings among four quantum modules. Each module consists of a
single transmon, readout mode, and communication mode coupled to the router. The router design centers on a parametrically driven, Josephson-junction based three-wave mixing element which generates photon exchange among the modules‘ communication modes. We first demonstrate SWAP operations among the four communication modes, with an average full-SWAP time of 760 ns and average inter-module gate fidelity of 0.97, limited by our modes‘ coherences. We also demonstrate photon transfer and pairwise entanglement between the modules‘ qubits, and parallel operation of simultaneous SWAP gates across the router. These results can readily be extended to faster and higher fidelity router operations, as well as scaled to support larger networks of quantum modules.