Identifying impurities in a silicon substrate by using a superconducting flux qubit

  1. Hiraku Toida,
  2. Kosuke Kakuyanagi,
  3. Leonid V. Abdurakhimov,
  4. Masahiro Hori,
  5. Yukinori Ono,
  6. and Shiro Saito
A bismuth-doped silicon substrate was analyzed by using a magnetometer based on a superconducting flux qubit. The temperature dependence of the magnetization indicates that the silicon
substrate contains at least two signal sources, intentionally doped bismuth spins and a spin 1/2 system with a ratio of 0.873 to 0.127. In combination with a conventional electron spin resonance spectrometer, a candidate origin of the spin 1/2 system was identified as a dangling bond on the silicon surface. In addition, the spin sensitivity of the magnetometer was also estimated to be 12 spins/Hz‾‾‾√ by using optimized dispersive readout.

Magnetometry of neurons using a superconducting qubit

  1. Hiraku Toida,
  2. Koji Sakai,
  3. Tetsuhiko F. Teshima,
  4. Masahiro Hori,
  5. Kosuke Kakuyanagi,
  6. Imran Mahboob,
  7. Yukinori Ono,
  8. and Shiro Saito
We demonstrate magnetometry of cultured neurons on a polymeric film using a superconducting flux qubit that works as a sensitive magnetometer in a microscale area. The neurons are cultured
in Fe3+ rich medium to increase magnetization signal generated by the electron spins originating from the ions. The magnetometry is performed by insulating the qubit device from the laden neurons with the polymeric film while keeping the distance between them around several micrometers. By changing temperature (12.5 – 200 mK) and a magnetic field (2.5 – 12.5 mT), we observe a clear magnetization signal from the neurons that is well above the control magnetometry of the polymeric film itself. From electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum measured at 10 K, the magnetization signal is identified to originate from electron spins of iron ions in neurons. This technique to detect a bio-spin system can be extended to achieve ESR spectroscopy at the single-cell level, which will give the spectroscopic fingerprint of cells.