Readout of superconducting qubits faces a trade-off between measurement speed and unwanted back-action on the qubit caused by the readout drive, such as T1 degradation and leakage outof the computational subspace. The readout is typically benchmarked by integrating the readout signal and choosing a binary threshold to extract the „readout fidelity“. We show that such a characterization may significantly overlook readout-induced leakage errors. We introduce a method to quantitatively assess this error by repeatedly executing a composite operation — a readout preceded by a randomized qubit-flip. We apply this technique to characterize the dispersive readout of an intrinsically Purcell-protected qubit. We report a binary readout fidelity of 99.63% and quantum non-demolition (QND) fidelity exceeding 99.00% which takes into account a leakage error rate of 0.12±0.03%, under a repetition rate of (380ns)−1 for the composite operation.
The ambition of harnessing the quantum for computation is at odds with the fundamental phenomenon of decoherence. The purpose of quantum error correction (QEC) is to counteract thenatural tendency of a complex system to decohere. This cooperative process, which requires participation of multiple quantum and classical components, creates a special type of dissipation that removes the entropy caused by the errors faster than the rate at which these errors corrupt the stored quantum information. Previous experimental attempts to engineer such a process faced an excessive generation of errors that overwhelmed the error-correcting capability of the process itself. Whether it is practically possible to utilize QEC for extending quantum coherence thus remains an open question. We answer it by demonstrating a fully stabilized and error-corrected logical qubit whose quantum coherence is significantly longer than that of all the imperfect quantum components involved in the QEC process, beating the best of them with a coherence gain of G=2.27±0.07. We achieve this performance by combining innovations in several domains including the fabrication of superconducting quantum circuits and model-free reinforcement learning.
Three-wave mixing is a key process in superconducting quantum information processing, being involved in quantum-limited amplification and parametric coupling between superconductingcavities. These operations can be implemented by SNAIL-based devices that present a Kerr-free flux-bias point where unwanted parasitic effects such as Stark shift are suppressed. However, with a single flux-bias parameter, these circuits can only host one Kerr-free point, limiting the range of their applications. In this Letter, we demonstrate how to overcome this constraint with a gradiometric SNAIL, a doubly-flux biased superconducting circuit for which both effective inductance and Kerr coefficient can be independently tuned. Experimental data show the capability of the gradiometric SNAIL to suppress Kerr effect in a three-wave mixing parametric amplifier over a continuum of flux bias points corresponding to a 1.7 GHz range of operating frequencies.
As superconductors are cooled below their critical temperature, stray magnetic flux can become trapped in regions that remain normal. The presence of trapped flux facilitates dissipationof ac current in a superconductor, leading to losses in superconducting elements of microwave devices. In type II superconductors, dissipation is well-understood in terms of the dynamics of vortices hosting a single flux quantum. In contrast, the ac response of type I superconductors with trapped flux has not received much attention. Building on Andreev’s early work [Sov. Phys. JETP 24, 1019 (1967)], here we show theoretically that the dominant dissipation mechanism is the absorption of the ac field at the exposed surfaces of the normal regions, while the deformation of the superconducting/normal interfaces is unimportant. We use the developed theory to estimate the degradation of the quality factors in field-cooled cavities, and we satisfactorily compare these theoretical estimates to the measured field dependence of the quality factors of two aluminum cavities.
Nanofabrication techniques for superconducting qubits rely on resist-based masks patterned by electron-beam or optical lithography. We have developed an alternative nanofabricationtechnique based on free-standing silicon shadow masks fabricated from silicon-on-insulator wafers. These silicon shadow masks not only eliminate organic residues associated with resist-based lithography, but also provide a pathway to better understand and control surface-dielectric losses in superconducting qubits by decoupling mask fabrication from substrate preparation. We have successfully fabricated aluminum 3D transmon superconducting qubits with these shadow masks, and demonstrated energy relaxation times on par with state-of-the-art values.
The majority of quantum information tasks require error-corrected logical qubits whose coherence times are vastly longer than that of currently available physical qubits. Among themany quantum error correction codes, bosonic codes are particularly attractive as they make use of a single quantum harmonic oscillator to encode a correctable qubit in a hardware-efficient manner. One such encoding, based on grid states of an oscillator, has the potential to protect a logical qubit against all major physical noise processes. By stroboscopically modulating the interaction of a superconducting microwave cavity with an ancillary transmon, we have successfully prepared and permanently stabilized these grid states. The lifetimes of the three Bloch vector components of the encoded qubit are enhanced by the application of this protocol, and agree with a theoretical estimate based on the measured imperfections of the experiment.
Measuring a quantum system can randomly perturb its state. The strength and nature of this back-action depends on the quantity which is measured. In a partial measurement performedby an ideal apparatus, quantum physics predicts that the system remains in a pure state whose evolution can be tracked perfectly from the measurement record. We demonstrate this property using a superconducting qubit dispersively coupled to a cavity traversed by a microwave signal. The back-action on the qubit state of a single measurement of both signal quadratures is observed and shown to produce a stochastic operation whose action is determined by the measurement result. This accurate monitoring of a qubit state is an essential prerequisite for measurement-based feedback control of quantum systems.
We have realized a new interaction between superconducting qubits and a readout cavity that results in the displacement of a coherent state in the cavity, conditioned on the state ofthe qubit. This conditional state, when it reaches the cavity-following, phase-sensitive amplifier, matches its measured observable, namely the in-phase quadrature. In a setup where several qubits are coupled to the same readout resonator, we show it is possible to measure the state of a target qubit with minimal dephasing of the other qubits. Our results suggest novel directions for faster readout of superconducting qubits and implementations of bosonic quantum error-correcting codes.
Non-equilibrium quasiparticle excitations degrade the performance of a variety of superconducting circuits. Understanding the energy distribution of these quasiparticles will yieldinsight into their generation mechanisms, the limitations they impose on superconducting devices, and how to efficiently mitigate quasiparticle-induced qubit decoherence. To probe this energy distribution, we directly correlate qubit transitions with charge-parity switches in an offset-charge-sensitive transmon qubit, and find that quasiparticle-induced excitation events are the dominant mechanism behind the residual excited-state population in our samples. The observed quasiparticle distribution would limit T1 to ≈200 μs, which indicates that quasiparticle loss in our devices is on equal footing with all other loss mechanisms. Furthermore, the measured rate of quasiparticle-induced excitation events is greater than that of relaxation events, which signifies that the quasiparticles are more energetic than would be predicted from a thermal distribution describing their apparent density.
Quantum error correction can allow quantum computers to operate despite the presence of noise and imperfections. A critical component of any error correcting scheme is the mapping oferror syndromes onto an ancillary measurement system. However, errors occurring in the ancilla can propagate onto the logical qubit, and irreversibly corrupt the encoded information. Here, we demonstrate a fault-tolerant syndrome measurement scheme that dramatically suppresses forward propagation of ancilla errors. We achieve an eightfold reduction of the logical error probability per measurement, while maintaining the syndrome assignment fidelity. We use the same method to prevent the propagation of thermal ancilla excitations, increasing the logical qubit dephasing time by more than an order of magnitude. Our approach is hardware-efficient, as it uses a single multilevel transmon ancilla and a cavity-encoded logical qubit, whose interaction is engineered in situ using an off-resonant sideband drive. These results demonstrate that hardware-efficient approaches which exploit system-specific error models can yield practical advances towards fault-tolerant quantum computation.