A dual approach to circuit quantization using loop charges

  1. Jascha Ulrich,
  2. and Fabian Hassler
The conventional approach to circuit quantization is based on node fluxes and traces the motion of node charges on the islands of the circuit. However, for some devices, the relevant
physics can be best described by the motion of polarization charges over the branches of the circuit that are in general related to the node charges in a highly nonlocal way. Here, we present a method, dual to the conventional approach, for quantizing planar circuits in terms of loop charges. In this way, the polarization charges are directly obtained as the differences of the two loop charges on the neighboring loops. The loop charges trace the motion of fluxes through the circuit loops. We show that loop charges yield a simple description of the flux transport across phase-slip junctions. We outline a concrete construction of circuits based on phase-slip junctions that are electromagnetically dual to arbitrary planar Josephson junction circuits. We argue that loop charges also yield a simple description of the flux transport in conventional Josephson junctions shunted by large impedances. We show that a mixed circuit description in terms of node fluxes and loop charges yields an insight into the flux decompactification of a Josephson junction shunted by an inductor. As an application, we show that the fluxonium qubit is well approximated as a phase-slip junction for the experimentally relevant parameters. Moreover, we argue that the 0-π qubit is effectively the dual of a Majorana Josephson junction.

Simulation of quantum-mechanical supersymmetry in a Cooper-pair box shunted by a Josephson rhombus

  1. Jascha Ulrich,
  2. Daniel Otten,
  3. and Fabian Hassler
Supersymmetries in quantum mechanics offer a way to obtain degeneracies in the excitation spectrum which do not originate from selection rules. The mechanism behind the degeneracies
is the same as the one that leads to the miraculous cancellations of divergences in supersymmetric field theories found in the high energy physics context. Even though of importance, there is up to now no realistic proposal of non-integrable systems that show level degeneracies due to a supersymmetric structure. Here, we propose an implementation of a quantum-mechanical supersymmetry in a Cooper-pair box shunted by a Josephson junction rhombus which is effectively π-periodic in the superconducting phase difference. For a characteristic ratio between the strength of the 2π- and the π-periodic junction, we find a two-fold degeneracy of all the energy levels all the way from the weak junction/charge qubit limit to the strong junction/transmon regime. We provide explicit values for the parameters of the rhombus and show that tuning in and out of the supersymmetric point is easily achieved by varying an external gate voltage. We furthermore discuss a microwave experiment to detect the supersymmetry and conclude that it could indeed be simulated with currently existing Josephson junction technology.

Supersymmetry in the Majorana Cooper-Pair Box

  1. Jascha Ulrich,
  2. Inanc Adagideli,
  3. Dirk Schuricht,
  4. and Fabian Hassler
Over the years, supersymmetric quantum mechanics has evolved from a toy model of high energy physics to a field of its own. Although various examples of supersymmetric quantum mechanics
have been found, systems that have a natural realization are scarce. Here, we show that the extension of the conventional Cooper-pair box by a 4pi-periodic Majorana-Josephson coupling realizes supersymmetry for certain values of the ratio between the conventional Josephson and the Majorana- Josephson coupling strength. The supersymmetry we find is a „hidden“ minimally bosonized supersymmetry that provides a non-trivial generalization of the supersymmetry of the free particle and relies crucially on the presence of an anomalous Josephson junction in the system. We show that the resulting degeneracy of the energy levels can be probed directly in a tunneling experiment and discuss the various transport signatures. An observation of the predicted level degeneracy would provide clear evidence for the presence of the anomalous Josephson coupling.