In contrast to the commonly used qubit resonator transverse coupling via the σxy-degree of freedom, longitudinal coupling through σz presents a tantalizing alternative: it does nothybridize the modes, eliminating Purcell decay, and it enables quantum-non-demolishing qubit readout independent of the qubit-resonator frequency detuning. Here, we demonstrate longitudinal coupling between a {Cr7Ni} molecular spin qubit ensemble and the kinetic inductance of a granular aluminum superconducting microwave resonator. The inherent frequency-independence of this coupling allows for the utilization of a 7.8 GHz readout resonator to measure the full {Cr7Ni} magnetization curve spanning 0-600 mT, corresponding to a spin frequency range of fspin=0-15 GHz. For 2 GHz detuning from the readout resonator, we measure a 1/e spin relaxation time τ=0.38 s, limited by phonon decay to the substrate. Based on these results, we propose a path towards longitudinal coupling of single spins to a superconducting fluxonium qubit.
Superconducting qubits equipped with quantum non-demolishing readout and active feedback can be used as information engines to probe and manipulate microscopic degrees of freedom, whetherintentionally designed or naturally occurring in their environment. In the case of spin systems, the required magnetic field bias presents a challenge for superconductors and Josephson junctions. Here we demonstrate a granular aluminum nanojunction fluxonium qubit (gralmonium) with spectrum and coherence resilient to fields beyond one Tesla. Sweeping the field reveals a paramagnetic spin-1/2 ensemble, which is the dominant gralmonium loss mechanism when the electron spin resonance matches the qubit. We also observe a suppression of fast flux noise in magnetic field, suggesting the freezing of surface spins. Using an active state stabilization sequence, the qubit hyperpolarizes long-lived two-level systems (TLSs) in its environment, previously speculated to be spins. Surprisingly, the coupling to these TLSs is unaffected by magnetic fields, leaving the question of their origin open. The robust operation of gralmoniums in Tesla fields offers new opportunities to explore unresolved questions in spin environment dynamics and facilitates hybrid architectures linking superconducting qubits with spin systems.
Mesoscopic Josephson junctions (JJs), consisting of overlapping superconducting electrodes separated by a nanometer thin oxide layer, provide a precious source of nonlinearity for superconductingquantum circuits and are at the heart of state-of-the-art qubits, such as the transmon and fluxonium. Here, we show that in a fluxonium qubit the role of the JJ can also be played by a lithographically defined, self-structured granular aluminum (grAl) nano-junction: a superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) JJ obtained in a single layer, zero-angle evaporation. The measured spectrum of the resulting qubit, which we nickname gralmonium, is indistinguishable from the one of a standard fluxonium qubit. Remarkably, the lack of a mesoscopic parallel plate capacitor gives rise to an intrinsically large grAl nano-junction charging energy in the range of 10−100GHz, comparable to its Josephson energy EJ. We measure average energy relaxation times of T1=10μs and Hahn echo coherence times of Techo2=9μs. The exponential sensitivity of the gralmonium to the EJ of the grAl nano-junction provides a highly susceptible detector. Indeed, we observe spontaneous jumps of the value of EJ on timescales from milliseconds to days, which offer a powerful diagnostics tool for microscopic defects in superconducting materials.
High kinetic inductance materials constitute a valuable resource for superconducting quantum circuits and hybrid architectures. Superconducting granular aluminum (grAl) reaches kineticsheet inductances in the nH/□ range, with proven applicability in superconducting quantum bits and microwave detectors. Here we show that the single photon internal quality factor Qi of grAl microwave resonators exceeds 105 in magnetic fields up to 1T, aligned in-plane to the grAl films. Small perpendicular magnetic fields, in the range of 0.5mT, enhance Qi by approximately 15%, possibly due to the introduction of quasiparticle traps in the form of fluxons. Further increasing the perpendicular field deteriorates the resonators‘ quality factor. These results open the door for the use of high kinetic inductance grAl structures in circuit quantum electrodynamics and hybrid architectures with magnetic field requirements.
The introduction of crystalline defects or dopants can give rise to so-called „dirty superconductors“, characterized by reduced coherence length and quasiparticle mean freepath. In particular, granular superconductors such as Granular Aluminum (GrAl), consisting of remarkably uniform grains connected by Josephson contacts have attracted interest since the sixties thanks to their rich phase diagram and practical advantages, like increased critical temperature, critical field, and kinetic inductance. Here we report the measurement and modeling of circuit quantum electrodynamics properties of GrAl microwave resonators in a wide frequency range, up to the spectral superconducting gap. Interestingly, we observe self-Kerr coefficients ranging from 10−2 Hz to 105 Hz, within an order of magnitude from analytic calculations based on GrAl microstructure. This amenable nonlinearity, combined with the relatively high quality factors in the 105 range, open new avenues for applications in quantum information processing and kinetic inductance detectors.
Atomic systems display a rich variety of quantum dynamics due to the different possible symmetries obeyed by the atoms. These symmetries result in selection rules that have been essentialfor the quantum control of atomic systems. Superconducting artificial atoms are mainly governed by parity symmetry. Its corresponding selection rule limits the types of quantum systems that can be built using electromagnetic circuits at their optimal coherence operation points („sweet spots“). Here, we use third-order nonlinear coupling between the artificial atom and its readout resonator to drive transitions forbidden by the parity selection rule for linear coupling to microwave radiation. A Lambda-type system emerges from these newly accessible transitions, implemented here in the fluxonium artificial atom coupled to its „antenna“ resonator. We demonstrate coherent manipulation of the fluxonium artificial atom at its sweet spot by stimulated Raman transitions. This type of transition enables the creation of new quantum operations, such as the control and readout of physically protected artificial atoms.
Most quantum-error correcting codes assume that the decoherence of each physical qubit is independent of the decoherence of any other physical qubit. We can test the validity of thisassumption in an experimental setup where a microwave feedline couples to multiple qubits by examining correlations between the qubits. Here, we investigate the correlations between fluxonium qubits located in a single waveguide. Despite being in a wide-bandwidth electromagnetic environment, the qubits have measured relaxation times in excess of 100 us. We use cascaded Josephson parametric amplifiers to measure the quantum jumps of two fluxonium qubits simultaneously. No correlations are observed between the relaxation times of the two fluxonium qubits, which indicates that the sources of relaxation are local to each qubit. Our architecture can easily be scaled to monitor larger numbers of qubits.
We present a method for calculating the low-energy spectra of superconducting circuits with arbitrarily strong anharmonicity and coupling. As an example, we numerically diagonalizethe Hamiltonian of a fluxonium qubit inductively coupled to a readout resonator. Our method treats both the anharmonicity of the Hamiltonian and the coupling between qubit and readout modes exactly. Calculated spectra are compared to measured spectroscopy data for this fluxonium-resonator system. We observe excellent quantitative agreement between theory and experiment that is not possible with a purely perturbative approach.
We introduce a microwave circuit architecture for quantum signal processing combining design principles borrowed from high-Q 3D resonators in the quantum regime and from planar structuresfabricated with standard lithography. The resulting ‚2.5D‘ whispering-gallery mode resonators store 98% of their energy in vacuum. We have measured internal quality factors above 3 million at the single photon level and have used the device as a materials characterization platform to place an upper bound on the surface resistance of thin film aluminum of less than 250n{\Omega}.
Qubit reset is crucial at the start of and during quantum information
algorithms. We present the experimental demonstration of a practical method to
force qubits into their ground state,based on driving certain qubit and cavity
transitions. Our protocol, nicknamed DDROP (Double Drive Reset of Population)
is tested on a superconducting transmon qubit in a 3D cavity. Using a new
method for measuring population, we show that we can prepare the ground state
with a fidelity of at least 99.5 % in less than 3 microseconds; faster times
and higher fidelity are predicted upon parameter optimization.