Interplay of coupling, residual, and quasiparticle losses for the frequency- and temperature-dependent quality factor of superconducting resonators

  1. Elies Ben Achour,
  2. Cenk Beydeda,
  3. Gabriele Untereiner,
  4. Martin Dressel,
  5. and Marc Scheffler
The overall, loaded quality factor QL quantifies the loss of energy stored in a resonator. Here we discuss on general grounds how QL of a planar microwave resonator made of a conventional
superconductor should depend on temperature and frequency. We consider contributions to QL due to dissipation by thermal quasiparticles (QQP), due to residual dissipation (QRes), and due to coupling (QC). We present experimental data obtained with superconducting stripline resonators fabricated from lead (Pb), with different center conductor widths and different coupling gaps. We probe the resonators at various harmonics between 0.7 GHz and 6 GHz and at temperatures between 1.5 K and 7 K. We find a strongly frequency- and temperature-dependent QL, which we can describe by a lumped-element model. For certain resonators at lowest temperatures we observe a maximum in the frequency-dependent QL when QRes and QC match, and here the measured QL can exceed 2×105.

Characterization of harmonic modes and parasitic resonances in multi-mode superconducting coplanar resonators

  1. Cenk Beydeda,
  2. Konstantin Nikolaou,
  3. Marius Tochtermann,
  4. Nikolaj G. Ebensperger,
  5. Gabriele Untereiner,
  6. Ahmed Farag,
  7. Philipp Karl,
  8. Monika Ubl,
  9. Harald Giessen,
  10. Martin Dressel,
  11. and Marc Scheffler
Planar superconducting microwave transmission line resonators can be operated at multiple harmonic resonance frequencies. This allows covering wide spectral regimes with high sensitivity,
as it is desired e.g. for cryogenic microwave spectroscopy. A common complication of such experiments is the presence of undesired ’spurious‘ additional resonances, which are due to standing waves within the resonator substrate or housing box. Identifying the nature of individual resonances (‚designed‘ vs. ’spurious‘) can become challenging for higher frequencies or if elements with unknown material properties are included, as is common for microwave spectroscopy. Here we discuss various experimental strategies to distinguish designed and spurious modes in coplanar superconducting resonators that are operated in a broad frequency range up to 20 GHz. These strategies include tracking resonance evolution as a function of temperature, magnetic field, and microwave power. We also demonstrate that local modification of the resonator, by applying minute amounts of dielectric or ESR-active materials, lead to characteristic signatures in the various resonance modes, depending on the local strength of the electric or magnetic microwave fields.