Superconducting granular aluminum resonators resilient to magnetic fields up to 1 Tesla

  1. K. Borisov,
  2. D. Rieger,
  3. P. Winkel,
  4. F. Hernandez,
  5. F. Valenti,
  6. A. Ionita,
  7. M. Wessbecher,
  8. M. Spiecker,
  9. D. Gusenkova,
  10. I. M. Pop,
  11. and W. Wernsdorfer
High kinetic inductance materials constitute a valuable resource for superconducting quantum circuits and hybrid architectures. Superconducting granular aluminum (grAl) reaches kinetic

Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics of Granular Aluminum Resonators

  1. N. Maleeva,
  2. L. Grünhaupt,
  3. T. Klein,
  4. F. Levy-Bertrand,
  5. O. Dupré,
  6. M. Calvo,
  7. F. Valenti,
  8. P. Winkel,
  9. F. Friedrich,
  10. W. Wernsdorfer,
  11. A. V. Ustinov,
  12. H. Rotzinger,
  13. A. Monfardini,
  14. M. V. Fistul,
  15. and I. M. Pop
The introduction of crystalline defects or dopants can give rise to so-called „dirty superconductors“, characterized by reduced coherence length and quasiparticle mean free