Highly stable aluminum air-bridges with stiffeners

  1. Aleksey N. Bolgar,
  2. Daria A. Kalacheva,
  3. Viktor B. Lubsanov,
  4. Aleksei Yu. Dmitriev,
  5. Evgenia S. Alekseeva,
  6. Evgeny V. Korostylev,
  7. and Oleg V. Astafiev
Air-bridges play a critical role in the performance of microwave circuits integrated with superconducting quantum bits, and their mechanical stability is predominant for reliable operation.
This study is devoted to the technological issues that lead to air-bridge instability. We propose an optimized bridge geometry designed to enhance mechanical resilience. Through systematic testing, we established that bridges incorporating this novel geometry achieved complete stability for lengths up to 170 micrometers in our technological processes. The findings provide an insight into the problem and a practical solution for technologists that faced with the challenges of air-bridge stability. The implementation of our technology has the potential to significantly improve the mechanical robustness of air-bridges in multi-qubit circuits for quantum computation.