Non-linearity of the current-phase relationship of a Josephson junction is the key resource for a Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA), the only device in which the quantum limit hasso far been achieved at microwave frequencies. A standard approach to describe JPA takes into account only the lowest order (cubic) non-linearity resulting in a Duffing-like oscillator equation of motion or in a Kerr-type non-linearity term in the Hamiltonian. In this paper we derive the quantum expression for the gain of JPA including all orders of the Josephson junction non-linearity in the linear response regime. We then analyse gain saturation effect for stronger signals within semi-classical approach. Our results reveal non-linear effects of higher orders and their implications for operation of a JPA.
Photon-mediated interactions between atoms are of fundamental importance in quantum optics, quantum simulations and quantum information processing. The exchange of real and virtualphotons between atoms gives rise to non-trivial interactions the strength of which decreases rapidly with distance in three dimensions. Here we study much stronger photon mediated interactions using two superconducting qubits in an open onedimensional transmission line. Making use of the unique possibility to tune these qubits by more than a quarter of their transition frequency we observe both coherent exchange interactions at an effective separation of 3λ/4 and the creation of super- and sub-radiant states at a separation of one photon wavelength λ. This system is highly suitable for exploring collective atom/photon interactions and applications in quantum communication technology.
We study the collective effects that emerge in waveguide quantum electrodynamics where several (artificial) atoms are coupled to a one-dimensional (1D) superconducting transmissionline. Since single microwave photons can travel without loss for a long distance along the line, real and virtual photons emitted by one atom can be reabsorbed or scattered by a second atom. Depending on the distance between the atoms, this collective effect can lead to super- and subradiance or to a coherent exchange-type interaction between the atoms. Changing the artificial atoms transition frequencies, something which can be easily done with superconducting qubits (two levels artificial atoms), is equivalent to changing the atom-atom separation and thereby opens the possibility to study the characteristics of these collective effects. To study this waveguide quantum electrodynamics system, we extend previous work and present an effective master equation valid for an ensemble of inhomogeneous atoms. Using input-output theory, we compute analytically and numerically the elastic and inelastic scattering and show how these quantities reveal information about collective effects. These theoretical results are compatible with recent experimental results using transmon qubits coupled to a superconducting one-dimensional transmission line [A.F. van Loo {\it et al.} (2013)].