These junctions are produced by evaporation techniques, and once they are embedded in an electronic circuit, their properties are fixed. Using SQUIDs as a tunable component requires the ability to generate Josephson junctions in situ in a reversible controllable manner. In this work we demonstrated how a normal (metallic) region along a line traversing a superconductor can be turned on and off externally thus potentially generating a controllable Josephson junction or a SQUID. The concept is based on a long, current-carrying excitation coil, piercing a ring shaped superconductor with nucleation points. The vector potential produced by this coil generates a circular current that destroys superconductivity along a radial line starting at the nucleation point. Unlike the destruction of superconductivity with magnetic field, the vector potential method is reversible and reproducible; full superconductivity is recovered upon removing the current from the coil and different cool-downs yield the same normal lines.
Towards a controllable SQUID
Josephson junctions and superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID) are important electronic elements, which are based on normal conductor sandwiched between two superconductors.