Quantum computing with superconducting circuits relies on high-fidelity driven nonlinear processes. An ideal quantum nonlinearity would selectively activate desired coherent processesat high strength, without activating parasitic mixing products or introducing additional decoherence. The wide bandwidth of the Josephson nonlinearity makes this difficult, with undesired drive-induced transitions and decoherence limiting qubit readout, gates, couplers and amplifiers. Significant strides have been recently made into building better `quantum mixers‘, with promise being shown by Kerr-free three-wave mixers that suppress driven frequency shifts, and balanced quantum mixers that explicitly forbid a significant fraction of parasitic processes. We propose a novel mixer that combines both these strengths, with engineered selection rules that make it essentially linear (not just Kerr-free) when idle, and activate clean parametric processes even when driven at high strength. Further, its ideal Hamiltonian is simple to analyze analytically, and we show that this ideal behavior is first-order insensitive to dominant experimental imperfections. We expect this mixer to allow significant advances in high-Q control, readout, and amplification.
Josephson element-based parametric amplifiers (JPAs) typically require rf pump power that is several orders of magnitude stronger than the maximum signal power they can handle. Thelow power efficiency and strong pump leakage towards signal circuitry could be critical concerns in application. In this work, we discuss how to optimize the pump coupling scheme for a three-wave mixing JPA by employing microwave filtering techniques, with the goal of maximizing the pump power efficiency and minimize pump leakage without sacrificing other properties of interest. We implement the corresponding filter design in a SNAIL-based JPA and demonstrate more than three orders of magnitude improvement in both power efficiency and pump leakage suppression compared to a similar device with regular capacitive coupling, while maintaining state-of-the-art dynamic range and near-quantum-limited noise performance. Furthermore, we show experimentally that the filter-coupled JPA is more robust against noise input from the pump port, exhibiting no significant change in added noise performance with up to 4 K of effective noise temperature at the pump port.
We propose a new phase detection technique based on a flux-switchable superconducting circuit, the Josephson digital phase detector (JDPD), which is capable of discriminating betweentwo phase values of a coherent input tone. When properly excited by an external flux, the JDPD is able to switch from a single-minimum to a double-minima potential and, consequently, relax in one of the two stable configurations depending on the phase sign of the input tone. The result of this operation is digitally encoded in the occupation probability of a phase particle in either of the two JDPD wells. In this work, we demonstrate the working principle of the JDPD up to a frequency of 400 MHz with a remarkable agreement with theoretical expectations. As a future scenario, we discuss the implementation of this technique to superconducting qubit readout. We also examine the JDPD compatibility with the single-flux-quantum architecture, employed to fast-drive and measure the device state.
We propose to exploit currently available tunnel ferromagnetic Josephson junctions to realize a hybrid superconducting qubit. We show that the characteristic hysteretic behavior ofthe ferromagnetic barrier provides an alternative and intrinsically digital tuning of the qubit frequency by means of magnetic field pulses. To illustrate functionalities and limitation of the device, we discuss the coupling to a read-out resonator and the effect of magnetic fluctuations. The possibility to use the qubit as a noise detector and its relevance to investigate the subtle interplay of magnetism and superconductivity is envisaged.
We developed and experimentally tested a Symmetric Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier (STWPA) based on Three-Wave Mixing, using the new concept of a Symmetric rf- SQUID. This allowsto fully control the second and third order nonlinearities of the STWPA by applying external currents. In this way, the optimal bias point can be reached, taking into account both phase mismatch and pump depletion minimization. The structure was tested at 4.2K, showing a 4GHz bandwidth and a maximum estimated gain of 17dB. STWPA showed also great flexibility, allowing up-down conversion mixer operations and rf-controlled switch.