Perfect, Pretty Good and Optimized Quantum State Transfer in Transmon qubit chains

  1. Pablo Serra,
  2. Alejandro Ferrón,
  3. and Omar Osenda
Chains of transmon qubits are considered promising systems to implement different quantum information tasks. In particular as channels that perform high-quality quantum state transfer.
We study how changing the interaction strength between the chain qubits allows us to obtain perfect or pretty good state transfer and present explicit analytic expressions for their transmission fidelity. For particular values of the interactions between the qubits, transmon chains are equivalent to generalized SSH chains and show the traditional traits observed in chains with topological states, localized states at the extremes of the chain, and eigenvalues that lie inside the spectral gap. Consequently, we study the quantum state transfer on chains with dimerized interactions, looking for chains with fast transfer times. We show that, in many cases, asking for fast transfer times results in chains with dimerized interactions that do not have topological states.

Mesoscopic fluctuations in biharmonically driven flux qubits

  1. Alejandro Ferrón,
  2. Daniel Domínguez,
  3. and María José Sánchez
We investigate flux qubits driven by a biharmonic magnetic signal, with a phase lag that acts as an effective time reversal broken parameter. The driving induced transition rate between
the ground and the excited state of the flux qubit can be thought as an effective transmitance, profiting from a direct analogy between interference effects at avoided level crossings and scattering events in disordered electronic systems. For time scales prior to full relaxation but large compared to the decoherence time, this characteristic rate has been accessed experimentally and its sensitivity with both the phase lag and the dc flux detuning explored. In this way signatures of Universal Conductance Fluctuations-like effects have recently been analized in flux qubits and compared with a phenomenological model that only accounts for decoherence, as a classical noise. We here solve the full dynamics of the driven flux qubit in contact with a quantum bath employing the Floquet Markov Master equation. Within this formalism relaxation and decoherence rates result strongly dependent on both the phase lag and the dc flux detuning. Consequently, the associated pattern of fluctuations in the characteristic rates display important differences with those obtained within the mentioned phenomenological model. In particular we demonstrate the Weak Localization-like effect in the averages values of the relaxation rate. Our predictions can be tested for accessible, but longer time scales than the current experimental times.

Dynamic transition in Landau-Zener-Stückelberg interferometry of dissipative systems: the case of the flux qubit

  1. Alejandro Ferron,
  2. Daniel Dominguez,
  3. and Maria Jose Sanchez
We study Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg (LZS) interferometry in multilevel systems coupled to an Ohmic quantum bath. We consider the case of superconducting flux qubits driven by a dc+ac
magnetic fields, but our results can apply to other similar systems. We find a dynamic transition manifested by a symmetry change in the structure of the LZS interference pattern, plotted as a function of ac amplitude and dc detuning. The dynamic transition is from a LZS pattern with nearly symmetric multiphoton resonances to antisymmetric multiphoton resonances at long times (above the relaxation time). We also show that the presence of a resonant mode in the quantum bath can impede the dynamic transition when the resonant frequency is of the order of the qubit gap. Our results are obtained by a numerical calculation of the finite time and the asymptotic stationary population of the qubit states, using the Floquet-Markov approach to solve a realistic model of the flux qubit considering up to 10 energy levels.