Large gain quantum-limited qubit measurement using a two-mode nonlinear cavity

  1. Saeed Khan,
  2. R. Vijay,
  3. I. Siddiqi,
  4. and Aashish A. Clerk
We provide a thorough theoretical analysis of qubit state measurement in a setup where a driven, parametrically-coupled cavity system is directly coupled to the qubit, with one of the
cavities having a weak Kerr nonlinearity. Such a system could be readily realized using circuit QED architectures. We demonstrate that this setup is capable in the standard linear-response regime of both producing a highly amplified output signal while at the same time achieving near quantum-limited performance: the measurement backaction on the qubit is near the minimal amount required by the uncertainty principle. This setup thus represents a promising route for performing efficient large-gain qubit measurement that is completely on-chip, and that does not rely on the use of circulators or complex non-reciprocal amplifiers.

Weak Qubit Measurement with a Nonlinear Cavity: Beyond Perturbation Theory

  1. Catherine Laflamme,
  2. and Aashish A. Clerk
We analyze the use of a driven nonlinear cavity to make a weak continuous measurement of a dispersively-coupled qubit. We calculate the backaction dephasing rate and measurement rate
beyond leading-order perturbation theory using a phase-space approach which accounts for cavity noise squeezing. Surprisingly, we find that increasing the coupling strength beyond the regime describable by leading-order perturbation theory (i.e. linear response) allows one to come significantly closer to the quantum limit on the measurement efficiency. We interpret this behaviour in terms of the non-Gaussian photon number fluctuations of the nonlinear cavity. Our results are relevant to recent experiments using superconducting microwave circuits to study quantum measurement.