Superconducting Quantum Circuits in the light of Dirac’s Constraint Analysis Framework

  1. Akshat Pandey,
  2. and Subir Ghosh
In this work we introduce a new framework – Dirac’s Hamiltonian formalism of constraint systems – to study different types of Superconducting Quantum Circuits (SQC) in a {\it{unified}} and unambiguous way. The Lagrangian of a SQC reveals the constraints, that are classified in a Hamiltonian framework, such that redundant variables can be removed to isolate the canonical degrees of freedom for subsequent quantization of the Dirac Brackets via a generalized Correspondence Principle. This purely algebraic approach makes the application of concepts such as graph theory, null vector, loop charge,\ etc that are in vogue, (each for a specific type of circuit), completely redundant.

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