Multipartite Entanglement in Rabi Driven Superconducting Qubits
Exploring highly connected networks of qubits is invaluable for implementing various quantum algorithms and simulations as it allows for entangling qubits with reduced circuit depth. Here, we demonstrate a multi-qubit STAR (Sideband Tone Assisted Rabi driven) gate. Our scheme is inspired by the ion qubit Mølmer-Sørensen gate and is mediated by a shared photonic mode and Rabi-driven superconducting qubits, which relaxes restrictions on qubit frequencies during fabrication and supports scalability. We achieve a two-qubit gate with maximum state fidelity of 0.95 in 310 ns, a three-qubit gate with state fidelity 0.905\% in 217 ns, and a four-qubit gate with state fidelity 0.66 in 200 ns. Furthermore, we develop a model of the gate that show the four-qubit gate is limited by shared resonator losses and the spread of qubit-resonator couplings, which must be addressed to reach high-fidelity operations.