Magnon-mediated quantum gates for superconducting qubits

  1. Martijn Dols,
  2. Sanchar Sharma,
  3. Lenos Bechara,
  4. Yaroslav M. Blanter,
  5. Marios Kounalakis,
  6. and Silvia Viola Kusminskiy
We propose a hybrid quantum system consisting of a magnetic particle inductively coupled to two superconducting transmon qubits, where qubit-qubit interactions are mediated via magnons. We show that the system can be tuned into three different regimes of effective qubit-qubit interactions, namely a transverse (XX+YY), a longitudinal (ZZ) and a non-trivial ZX interaction. In addition, we show that an enhanced coupling can be achieved by employing an ellipsoidal magnet, carrying anisotropic magnetic fluctuations. We propose a scheme for realizing two-qubit gates, and simulate their performance under realistic experimental conditions. We find that iSWAP and CZ gates can be performed in this setup with an average fidelity ≳99% , while an iCNOT gate can be applied with an average fidelity ≳88%. Our proposed hybrid circuit architecture offers an alternative platform for realizing two-qubit gates between superconducting qubits and could be employed for constructing qubit networks using magnons as mediators.

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