Kinetically constrained quantum dynamics in a circuit-QED transmon wire

  1. Riccardo Javier Valencia Tortora,
  2. Nicola Pancotti,
  3. and Jamir Marino
We study the dynamical properties of the bosonic quantum East model at low temperature. We show that a naive generalization of the corresponding spin-1/2 quantum East model does not posses analogous slow dynamical properties. In particular, conversely to the spin case, the bosonic ground state turns out to be not localized. We restore localization by introducing a repulsive nearest-neighbour interaction term. The bosonic nature of the model allows us to construct rich families of many-body localized states, including coherent, squeezed and cat states. We formalize this finding by introducing a set of superbosonic creation-annihilation operators which satisfy the bosonic commutation relations and, when acting on the vacuum, create excitations exponentially localized around a certain site of the lattice. Given the constrained nature of the model, these states retain memory of their initial conditions for long times. Even in the presence of dissipation, we show that quantum information remains localized within decoherence times tunable with the system’s parameters. We propose a circuit QED implementation of the bosonic quantum East model based on state-of-the-art transmon physics, which could be used in the near future to explore kinetically constrained models in superconducting quantum computing platfoms.

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