Controllable anisotropic quantum Rabi model beyond the ultrastrong coupling regime with circuit QED systems
By manipulating the flux qubits with bichromatic time-dependent magnetic fluxes in standard circuit QED systems, we propose an experimentally-accessible method to approach the physics of the anisotropic quantum Rabi model (AQRM) in broad parameter ranges, where the rotating and counter-rotating interactions are governed by two different coupling constants. Assisted by theoretical derivations and numerical calculations, we show that our scheme not only allows for individual control of the parameters in the simulated AQRM but also reproduces the dynamics of the ultrastrong and deep strong coupling regimes. Therefore, our scheme advances the investigation of extremely strong interactions of the AQRM, which are usually experimentally unattainable. Furthermore, associated with the special case of the degenerate AQRM, we demonstrate that our setup may also find applications for protected quantum memory and quantum computation since it can be used to generate the Schr\“{o}dinger cat states and the quantum controlled phase gates when scaling up.