Complementing the transmon by integrating a geometric shunt inductor

  1. Simone D. Fasciati,
  2. Boris Shteynas,
  3. Giulio Campanaro,
  4. Mustafa Bakr,
  5. Shuxiang Cao,
  6. Vivek Chidambaram,
  7. James Wills,
  8. and Peter J. Leek
We realize a single-Josephson-junction transmon qubit shunted by a simple geometric inductor. We couple it capacitively to a conventional transmon and show that the ZZ interaction between the two qubits is completely suppressed when they are flux-biased to have opposite-sign anharmonicities. Away from the flux sweet spot of the inductively-shunted transmon, we demonstrate fast two-qubit interactions using first-order sideband transitions. The simplicity of this two-qubit-species circuit makes it promising for building large lattices of superconducting qubits with low coherent error and a rich gate set.

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