Circuit QED – Lecture Notes
The new and rapidly growing field of circuit QED offers extremely exciting prospects for learning about and exercising intimate control over quantum systems, providing flexible, engineerable design and strong nonlinearities and interactions in systems consisting of microwave radiation fields and fixed artificial „atoms“. These notes aim to provide a non-expert introduction to the field of circuit QED, to give a basic appreciation of the promise and challenges of the field, along with a number of key concepts that will hopefully be useful for the reader who is new to the field and beginning to explore the research literature. They were written as a pedagogical text designed to complement a course delivered to third-year undergraduate students.
After a introductory section which discusses why studying circuit QED might be worthwhile and interesting, I introduce the basic theory tools from quantum optics and quantum information which are needed to understand the key elements of circuit QED. I also provide a brief overview of superconductivity, focussing on the concepts which are most relevant to operation in the regimes of interest in circuit QED. I then describe the three main types of superconducting qubits, and finally give a basic introduction to decoherence and mixture and how they relate to quantum behaviour in electronic circuits.