Characterization of loss mechanisms in a fluxonium qubit
Using a fluxonium qubit with in situ tunability of its Josephson energy, we characterize its energy relaxation at different flux biases as well as different Josephson energy values. The relaxation rate at qubit energy values, ranging more than one order of magnitude around the thermal energy kBT, can be quantitatively explained by a combination of dielectric loss and 1/f flux noise with a crossover point. The amplitude of the 1/f flux noise is consistent with that extracted from the qubit dephasing measurements at the flux sensitive points. In the dielectric loss dominant regime, the loss is consistent with that arises from the electric dipole interaction with two-level-system (TLS) defects. In particular, as increasing Josephson energy thus decreasing qubit frequency at the flux insensitive spot, we find that the qubit exhibits increasingly weaker coupling to TLS defects thus desirable for high-fidelity quantum operations.