A logical qubit-design with geometrically tunable error-resistibility

  1. Reja H. Wilke,
  2. Leonard W. Pingen,
  3. Thomas Köhler,
  4. and Sebastian Paeckel
Breaking the error-threshold would mark a milestone in establishing quantum advantage for a wide range of relevant problems. One possible route is to encode information redundantly in a logical qubit by combining several noisy qubits, providing an increased robustness against external perturbations. We propose a setup for a logical qubit built from superconducting qubits (SCQs) coupled to a microwave cavity-mode. Our design is based on a recently discovered geometric stabilizing mechanism in the Bose-Hubbard wheel (BHW), which manifests as energetically well-separated clusters of many-body eigenstates. We investigate the impact of experimentally relevant perturbations between SCQs and the cavity on the spectral properties of the BHW. We show that even in the presence of typical fabrication uncertainties, the occurrence and separation of clustered many-body eigenstates is extremely robust. Introducing an additional, frequency-detuned SCQ coupled to the cavity yields duplicates of these clusters, that can be split up by an on-site potential. We show that this allows to (i) redundantly encode two logical qubit states that can be switched and read out efficiently and (ii) can be separated from the remaining many-body spectrum via geometric stabilization. We demonstrate at the example of an X-gate that the proposed logical qubit reaches single qubit-gate fidelities >0.999 in experimentally feasible temperature regimes ∼10−20mK.

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