Decoherence and Interferometric Sensitivity of BosonSampling in Superconducting Networks

  1. Samuel Goldstein,
  2. Simcha Korenblit,
  3. Ydan Bendor,
  4. Hao You,
  5. Michael R. Geller,
  6. and Nadav Katz
Multiple bosons undergoing coherent evolution in a coupled network of sites constitute a so-called quantum walk system. The simplest example of such a two-particle interference is the
celebrated Hong-Ou-Mandel interference. When scaling to larger boson numbers, simulating the exact distribution of bosons has been shown, under reasonable assumptions, to be exponentially hard. We analyze the feasibility and expected performance of a globally connected superconducting resonator based quantum walk system, using the known characteristics of state-of-the-art components. We simulate the sensitivity of such a system to decay processes and to perturbations and compare with coherent input states.

Universal quantum simulation with prethreshold superconducting qubits: Single-excitation subspace method

  1. Michael R. Geller,
  2. John M. Martinis,
  3. Andrew T. Sornborger,
  4. Phillip C. Stancil,
  5. Emily J. Pritchett,
  6. Hao You,
  7. and Andrei Galiautdinov
Current quantum computing architectures lack the size and fidelity required for universal fault-tolerant operation, limiting the practical implementation of key quantum algorithms to
all but the smallest problem sizes. In this work we propose an alternative method for general-purpose quantum computation that is ideally suited for such „prethreshold“ superconducting hardware. Computations are performed in the n-dimensional single-excitation subspace (SES) of a system of n tunably coupled superconducting qubits. The approach is not scalable, but allows many operations in the unitary group SU(n) to be implemented by a single application of the Hamiltonian, bypassing the need to decompose a desired unitary into elementary gates. This feature makes large, nontrivial quantum computations possible within the available coherence time. We show how to use a programmable SES chip to perform fast amplitude amplification and phase estimation, two versatile quantum subalgorithms. We also show that an SES processor is well suited for Hamiltonian simulation, specifically simulation of the Schrodinger equation with a real but otherwise arbitrary nxn Hamiltonian matrix. We discuss the utility and practicality of such a universal quantum simulator, and propose its application to the study of realistic atomic and molecular collisions.