Interplay between topology and localization on superconducting circuits

  1. Xin Guan,
  2. and Gang Chen
Topological insulator lie at the forefront of condensed matter physics. However strong disorder can destroy the topological states and make all states become localized. In this paper,
we investigate the competition between topology and localization in the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model with controllable off-diagonal quasi-periodic modulations on superconducting circuits. By utilizing external ac magnetic fluxes, each transmon can be driven and all coupling strengths can be tuned independently. Based on this model we construct phase diagrams that illustrate the extended topologically nontrivial, critical localization, and coexisting topological and critical localization phases. The dynamics of the qubits‘ excitations are also discussed in this paper, revealing distinct quantum state transfers resulting from the interplay between topology and localization. Furthermore, we propose a method for detecting different quantum phases using current experimental setups.

Faithful Simulation and Detection of Quantum Spin Hall Effect on Superconducting Circuits

  1. Jia Liu,
  2. Jun-Yi Cao,
  3. Gang Chen,
  4. and Zheng-Yuan Xue
Topological states of quantum matter %, originally discovered and investigated in condensed matter physics, have inspired both fascinating physics findings and exciting opportunities
for applications. Due to the over-complicated structure of, as well as interactions between, real materials, a faithful quantum simulation of topological matter is very important in deepening our understanding of these states. This requirement puts the quantum superconducting circuits system as a good option for mimicking topological materials, owing to their flexible tunability and fine controllability. As a typical example herein, we realize a Z2-type topological insulator featuring the quantum spin Hall effect state, using a coupled system of transmission-line resonators and transmons. The single-excitation eigenstates of each unit cell are used as a pseudo-spin 1/2 system. Time reversal symmetry of the system is proved, and the boundary of the topological phase transition is fixed in the phase diagram. Topological edge states are shown, which can be experimentally verified by detecting the population at the boundary of the plane. Compared to the previous simulations, this compositional system is fairly controllable, stable and less limited. Therefore, our scheme provides a reliable platform for faithful quantum simulations of topological matter.

Topologically Protected Quantum State Transfer via Edge States in Superconducting Circuits

  1. Feng Mei,
  2. Gang Chen,
  3. Lin Tian,
  4. Shi-Liang Zhu,
  5. and Suotang Jia
Robust quantum state transfer (QST) is an indispensable ingredient in scalable quantum information processing. Here we present an experimentally feasible scheme for robust QST via topologically
protected edge states in superconducting circuits. Using superconducting X-mon qubits with tunable couplings, the generalized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger models with topological magnon bands can be constructed. A novel entanglement-dependent topological Thouless pumping can be directly observed in this system. More importantly, we show that single-qubit states and entanglement can be robustly transferred with high fidelity in the presence of qubit-coupling imperfection, which is a hallmark of topological protection. This approach is experimentally applicable to a variety of quantum systems.

Quantum phases in circuit QED with a superconducting qubit array

  1. Yuanwei Zhang,
  2. Lixian Yu,
  3. J. -Q. Liang,
  4. Gang Chen,
  5. Suotang Jia,
  6. and Franco Nori
Circuit QED on a chip has become a powerful platform for simulating complex many-body physics. In this report, we realize a Dicke-Ising model with an antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor
spin-spin interaction in circuit QED with a superconducting qubit array. We show that this system exhibits a competition between the collective spin-photon interaction and the antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor spin-spin interaction, and then predict four quantum phases, including: a paramagnetic normal phase, an antiferromagnetic normal phase, a paramagnetic superradiant phase, and an antiferromagnetic superradiant phase. The antiferromagnetic normal phase and the antiferromagnetic superradiant phase are new phases in many-body quantum optics. In the antiferromagnetic superradiant phase, both the antiferromagnetic and superradiant orders can coexist, and thus the system possesses $Z_{2}^{z}\otimes Z_{2}$\ symmetry. Moreover, we find an unconventional photon signature in this phase. In future experiments, these predicted quantum phases could be distinguished by detecting both the mean-photon number and the magnetization.